Our Story and Some Accumulated Facts

If you've lived here in Oklahoma for any length of time, you know that this state and Tulsa; particularly, is a lot different than most places in this country. It is a national test market for one thing. You get to see all kinds of business ideas. I like that.
I guess my point, though, is you can actually get to know people here and trust them and have them trust you back.
That's rare in this world.

Our family has been here commercially for many years in one form of business or another. We've lived through the drastic swings of Oklahoma economics with the booms and the busts. You have to grow together here.
We like that.
Everybody knows family isn't easy though. It is something you have to work. Our family has seen some things; like most families do.

It is a difficult thing, though, to see someone in your own family suffering simply because of too much incorrect thinking and too much incorrect information and the accumulated bias that such things produce.

When you see them suffering because of all these opioids that big pharma is guiding everyone in medical establishments and the legislators to prescribe for our families and neighbors and you see what happens to them; what really happens. Well; you know at that point what you have to do.
You have to ask yourself this.
Why we are allowing these restrictive status quos to continue. We are the ones now. Maybe the only ones. Working together, we have to make it right again.

I think all of you suspect how much power there is in a shared belief. How truly transcendent and astounding and magnificent a thing it is to see people from all works of life to share an idea about something and make it so; to change things for the better.

You know I truly believe cannabis is a gift to this world. Thinking and fair-minded people know we can use it for something good, something better for all of us.
It isn't complicated.

Here are some facts that were published by Business Insider online.

Recreational legalization doesn't seem to make kids more likely to use cannabis. (Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment/ 2015 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey)

Medical cannabis legislation also doesn't seem to increase youth cannabis usage. (New England Journal of Medicine 2015)

Traffic fatalities have not increased in states that have legalized recreational cannabis and remain lower than the national average. (National Highway Transportation Safety Administration – date of declaration not available in this article)

States that allow medical marijuana reduce opioid painkiller overdose deaths and addiction problems. (StatNews)

Emergency room visits have increased but have only gone from 1.2 per 100,000 population to 2.3 per 100,000 population. Many people simply aren't aware yet how potent cannabis edibles can be when they consume them. (Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment/ 2015 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey)

Tax revenues go up and arrest rates go down. This is a win-win for strapped state budgets.

Here are several links of government and non-government websites:

Medical and Legal (recreational) cannabis sales in the United States were over $5 billion dollars in 2015 and will be slightly lower if projections hold for 2016. The vast majority of those sales were for personal consumption by smoking, vaping or edibles.

Manufacturing jobs, upstream and downstream, are being created by all this commerce. These are real jobs that create real products and generate real wealth and serve the economy. When you consider the total economic activity that results by unleashing the potential usefulness of cannabis the numbers are much bigger than $5 billion. Much bigger.

Consumable cannabis products promote individual choice and affordability for medical patients. They also provide a dizzying variety of options for a healthy person's recreational use.
Consumable cannabis though is literally just the visible tip of the still mostly invisible cannabis iceberg. Hemp; which is an industrial use type of cannabis, is so extraordinarily useful and versatile that the market possibilities for it are practically unlimited.

Here are some links referencing statistics from recent economic activity and tax revenue estimates in states with fully legal (recreational) or medical cannabis:

Thanks for reading. Be well.


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