Prepare a better way

I am hoping to change what people think they know. Maybe just a little. Maybe that will be enough.
There are a few universal teachings in this world of ours.
And the vast majority simply accept them as being so. Even if the body of evidence that is plainly available directly contradicts what they have been taught. Some generally accepted teachings are actually an insult to logic and common sense.

Cannabis prohibition is a prime example of this.
The systematic demonization of the cannabis plant benefits a select few at the expense of everyone else. It is primarily an economically inspired prohibition. To argue otherwise with rigged, outcome based experiments and pervasive propoganda in schools and in a steady flow of prepaid results from government academia is at best cynical.
When I was a child, this kind of thing would have been called un-American. However you want to characterize it, this is the wrong narrative for all of us. It is simply not right.

To my way of thinking, first hand experience with cannabis should not be required to understand its usefulness.

Be well.


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