People are starting to talk about reality

Cannabis is a superior choice in every way for its useful purposes.
Cannabis based means a higher quality raw material.
It can be used to create over 70,000 products. Most of the product categories would place cannabis based products in the higher quality quadrant of that particular category. This company is just one example.

A lot of well-versed Oklahomans think the anointing oil from biblical times was, in fact, cannabis oil. CBD oil is certainly medicinally amazing enough now and modern science; which has been hamstrung for years by archaic, crony inspired laws and by the political necessity to produce a given result or lose their funding, seems to be coming around to the truth and possibility of cannabis.

It requires almost zero fertilizer so any agricultural runoff is much less likely to foul the surrounding aquaculture and the plant's canopy prevents weeds so the entire field wherever it is sown is actually more productive. The stalks themselves must be very strong to support the top heavy weight of the plant. The end result at harvest time is that cannabis is the longest, most durable and most versatile fiber on the earth.

There are so many obvious benefits provided by cannabis that it is completely understandable why the interlocked business, media and political establishment wants it prohibited. If people were free to choose cannabis based products or grow it and use it locally, they would. The status quo would get shaken up and established interests and control would eventually erode and be spread out again among the people themselves.

The redistribution of market shares and the resulting changes in spending patterns and the possibility for all of us to grow our food and medicine would give more control to the people and the established interests don't want that. If cannabis were legal to grow in the United States, the extra costs associated with prohibition to source it as a raw material would quickly be removed and the higher quality products created would become more and more competitively priced.
My opinion is the public has been sold a narrative for the last 70 years that government is trying to protect them from cannabis and the truth is that government is protecting the vested interests from competition and taking more and more of our freedom in the process.

I am not sure how we can change that.
But it needs to change.


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