It really is all common ground

If you or I want something of lasting significance from this life, we have to know what that thing is. What do we value? Why are we here? What is our goal for the future and how can we work together today to ensure we arrive there?
All of us, if asked, would say we want to make a better way.

Making a better way starts with each of us taking responsibility and finding common ground to move all of us forward. Common ground and agreement.
Arguing about this or that political movement or all the endless litany of divisive thinking is simply a drain for our energy. Divisive thinking and disagreement benefits the few at the expense of the many.
We all need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. We all need to engage with others who may have a different political or moral point of view in a peaceful, thoughtful way.

All of us require breathable air and water and some form of nourishment. No matter who we are or where we find ourselves we need these basic things. And whether you agree with the current climate change conclusions or disagree, one thing is certain. The composition of the air on Earth varies and changes over time. Artifacts like iron hammers from past civilizations found in coal seams can no longer be replicated today. Our atmosphere has a much lower percentage of oxygen than even 5 to 10 thousand years ago. The current energy generating practice of moving trillions of carbon molecules from liquid or solid form under the earth and transforming them into carbon dioxide will require either a natural or technological filtering solution. Electrical and solar are a big part of the equation but their impact is somewhere in the future.

Cannabis can improve the carbon equation of the Earth right now. Today.
In tandem with other sustainable solutions, cannabis will make a better world for all of us. Hempcrete, just one of thousands of superior products that are made of cannabis, will literally remove carbon from the atmosphere for hundreds of years.

The future will be arriving every day from now on and no matter what philosophical, ecological or mathematical model you put your faith into it comes down to one simple question – Can we afford to be wrong about this? 

Shouldn't we at least hedge our bets and let cannabis be free again? Shouldn't we make an effort to do something simple and effective and sustainable?

Maybe working together we can finally free the most useful, utilitarian plant on the whole of the earth.
Maybe we can all be a little freer in the process.


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