Freedom will become an amazing thing again

What do we see when we look at a new way? Do we see possibility or potential? Do we look for beauty or do we naturally focus on flaws and imperfections? Do we see what is truly there or do we see what a lifetime of preconceptions and media inputs tell us to see?

Most people when asked would say that they see the workings of this world clearly as it is but, if this is so, why is there so much dysfunction and disagreement in this world. It is illogical.

The fact is most observable human behavior tends to be better explained by force of habit and emotional motivation; not logic. Almost all of us are, at the heart of it, creatures of conditioning and desire. We want what we want. We will often lose interest after we obtain the thing we desire and can't really recall over the vague, rumbling dissatisfaction we have with it why we wanted it in the first place. Those who craft the prevailing narrative for our current society understand this very well. They count on it. Don't look at that man behind the curtain.

The public at large has a difficult time letting go of a great many preconceived emotional biases. But true freedom makes you considerably more aware of the responsibilities we have to each other that have been; are now, and always will be common to humanity. If we want to be truly free, we have to take those responsibilities seriously or we degenerate into a civilization that is increasingly dependent on bureaucrats and government to control our way of living.
That rarely ends well.


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