another way there

The curtain that is opening to everything else; to the coming singularity, is allowing the people to become fully aware.
Simply understanding ourselves within this particular state of things.
Germans call it dasein.
Perhaps as the Schumann resonance is changing the new earth's resonance could be changing us too. Perhaps we will begin seeing and understanding together, finally, what has always been there.

This is entirely possible.

It is plainly evident that we can choose a better way.
Maybe we can all think greener from now on; kinder, but more serious.
Maybe we can save the ice too.
But we have mucked it so far.
Mucked it badly.

The deep state and their masters want to dust off their keyboards and stir up another war and the regular masses of people become just so many Hollywood extras that can be written out.
Just break out the cosmic eraser.
Hit confirm to schedule a reboot.
Throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Maybe the rest of us won't even need to explain ourselves afterwards.
Let's hope so.



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