its not me, its you

Wake up and smell the cannabis.
Have some more coffee.
Take a stolen quiet moment and treat yourself by hitting the delete history button.
Remove a healthy portion of all the nonsensical white noise of the last 70 years.
And consider the simple truth as it relates to the medicinal use of cannabis.

Cannabis helps your body heal.
Our modern world has so many toxins and subtle addictions interlaced in our foods and water and medicine.
So many preservatives and euphemistic sounding ingredients.
We need something to help our bodies actually restore a healthy balance.
Modern life can be very stressful.
People don't get enough fiber.
I could go on.

These are strange days. 
Stranger perhaps if you consider that the cadence of the earth seems to be speeding up.
The so-called Schumann resonance has started ratcheting up and that effects every living thing in this world.

There is an inescapable feeling that something big is going to happen.
 Something soon.


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