comes the shadow

This day should have been always a happy day of celebration.

But our politicians have become syncophants and money lovers.
They no longer even bother to preserve the illusion that they are serving the people.
They are swayed.
They have their shadow masters.
They follow orders.

The elites of this world think of everything here, including you and me, as property.
I suppose if you held title to entire countries like Queen Elizabeth or inherited or speculated your way to such vast wealth, it is entirely understandable that you might come to think this way.

So viewed from an elitist perspective all the current saber rattling and the conditioning of our minds for another conflagration is boring but necessary.
Stir up the baser emotions enough and pretty soon you have a flame.
You can burn off the pasture brush so to speak.
But we can choose not to.
We can choose to ignore the white noise.
We can do better.

How is it that we have come so far and humans haven't really changed at all.
How is that we still seem so easily misled.

Take a moment and consider your modus operandi.

Let you heart be light.


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