that smells great

I want the people to see the light blazing there in front of them and understand; fully and finally, that it is good.

That old refrain that cannabis is the bogeyman and every manner of evil transpires because of it is tired.
It also happens to be knowingly false.
It is absurd actually.

Any clear thinking person can take a look at Colorado.
Actually go there and see for yourself.
Talk to people.
Make up your own mind.
And, whatever you decide, ask yourself if you understand after going there that you should be doing something about it.

The benefits of removing cannabis prohibition for health, commerce and peace of mind are there on display.
I think those people enjoy that extra bit of freedom too.
It is good.

I want to sincerely thank the people of Colorado and the western US generally.
I imagine this 20th of April, if I am thinking about it, I should face NorthWest if I happen to be outside.
That might be nice.


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