ground zero thanks you

I used to live in Detroit.
When I went back there for a trade show in 2004 I thought it was evident; that everyone could see everything that would be coming.
But I also understand perspective.
It is certainly a quirky thing if it is true that each of us may see only what we are.
It makes all the seeking of one true way to seem immeasurably difficult. Like trying to carry on a polite conversation in opposing traffic.

How to agree, as humanity, on a measure of what is true.
How to speak meaningfully and peacefully what must be said.
When it comes down to it, all of us; the religious and the non-religious, the seeker and the oblivious must come together in peace. We must desire mercy and not sacrifice.
Because what is war ultimately if not a sacrifice of the brightest and bravest.
We must work together.
We must join hands.

Otherwise, what is to become of us.



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