that's not my dog

The heart of the matter is that cannabis is merciful and naturally meets a very real need to alleviate every hurt.

People are hurting.
Whether it is physical or spiritual; real or imagined, cannabis is merciful.
That is its very nature.
It seems as though that after its own reflection the earth itself is saying something to us.
Even after all the scars and thoughtlessness and desolation you heaped on me I still have this for you.
Forgiveness is a good thing.
Heal yourself with cannabis and you will understand.

Oklahoma could very well be a poster child for what is wrong with the thinking regarding cannabis.
Most people have a strong opinion.
But when I ask people WHY they think what they think about cannabis the answers I get give me a headache most of the time.

Almost my entire life here and I still have trouble understanding why people think the way they think.


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