take your mark

As the tagline says Visa goes everywhere you want to be.

Cash is dying; or, at least being encouraged to.
Soon they will simply stop printing it.
It just makes control so much simpler.
This is another somewhat subtler reason the powers that be want cannabis prohibited. It can be money and collateral and the narrators would prefer not to have that if they can stop it.
Even so shadow money is everywhere.
It seems somewhat hypocritical of the hedge funds and the big banks and the government to be so critical of shadow money. Most of it comes from them ultimately and of course they directly benefit from the same players they publicly scorn. All that money doesn't turn into ice in Antarctica. It keeps circulating.
Daniella Gabor and Jakob Vestergaard say it is the presence of collateral that gives shadow money its distinctiveness.
This is a polite way to say the shadows are what really matter.
Because the fingers on the buttons are all shadows now.

I don't even want to know what goes on there with the so-called 1% or put forth some complicated rant about the state of things in general. That is not my point.
If it is true that we become what we think about; then, we seem to be fading.
We are becoming shadows too.

Cannabis is doing the opposite.
Cannabis is a coming out of the shadows into the light of day and the people are discovering its wonders for themselves.
They see that it is good.

My hope is that like minded people everywhere will take a quiet moment each day and make the shadows recede.
We can choose that. 


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