Everything is Bips now

Everything is Bips now

When I was kid growing up in Tulsa, the 5 dollar bills were still silver certificates.
If you were so inclined you could redeem them for silver. I remember that clearly.

Pretty much the same thing happened to Rome.

The Byzantines may have started shaving the coins first. Who can say; but fiat money is fiat money. Just con enough people and the rest; the rest can choose to do nothing. They make it so easy.

I don't know that it matters as much as I think it does.

Cannabis was given a bad name at that time and enough thought it was true. Many still do think it is bad. They think that is the truth of it.
But it is good.
Israel has proven that it is good for the last 50 years. We had a Facebook post on our page today about it.

People are finally waking to cannabis facts. Cannabis can create a new; local kind of commerce and the banks don't want that. They would prefer to sell you basis points on nothing at all.

Everything is Bips now.


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