where's the fire

The Creek must own it now or the eagle's nest wouldn't still be there. Driving the river road out by Jones Airport in Jenks, Oklahoma last Sunday morning, I was thinking about this. The Creek Nation understand stewardship.

Maybe wiser heads will prevail everywhere in the end. I hope so.

Almost everybody seems to have believed and thought it was about something else. Just staying busy with empty motion; burning the candle at both ends. Progress as promised kind of stuff.

Nobody stopped to think too long about which rabbit they were chasing.

Personally; I am grateful to the Creek Nation and their thoughtful stewardship.

I also feel strongly that legal cannabis would encourage overall better societal stewardship of this Earth. People could experience and understand the personalized growing of their specifically tailored medicine and see how wondrous that feeling is; a communion with this Earth. It would simply become a hobby; like rose gardening in England. Or growing prize tomatoes.

All of us could begin seeing things a little differently.

I do believe an objective evaluation of the facts that are plainly in front of us all will change a lot of minds in the near future. I hope so.

All of us can understand the processes of nature a little better.
All of us can make a little more effort.

Wherever we live we do all have an obligation that is common to humanity.

The Germans seem to get it.
Advance the civilization technically but take care of the place while you are here.
Clean up after yourself and brew some beer and enjoy the picturesque scenery.
Grab a close friend and, then, some coffee after hanging out at the spa (entspannungsbereich).

Have a great day today.


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