we should just call them kings now

It goes back to Reagan; maybe even to Kennedy, but something has definitely changed in America. 
Even if you don't understand it you feel it.
People used to believe they had a real voice here.
Maybe we still can.

But I'm not so sure.

Every time I consider how much concerted effort it takes to keep something as undeniably useful and good as cannabis illegal on a federal level it pulls back the curtain a little more.

I think Carter really tried but I remember him telling a reporter – 'Look, you don't understand'.
Someone else with the strings; I suppose, above his pay grade.

Then the election committee changed the rules for the state primaries after Carter so they are much more synchronized now to benefit the entrenched financial interests and a momentum campaign became ever increasingly less likely. Super Tuesdays. 

I am not blaming anybody. That is not what I'm trying to convey here at all.

A wise man is supposed to have said - 'Everything should be as simple as possible but not simpler'. I agree with that.

Let's just have the decency to call it what it is again.


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