we can't serve anyone blindfolded

Recognition of the plainly evident is increasingly difficult in a white noise world. http://www.thealarm.com/archives/5122

Consider that our hiding in plain sight government; our deep state, has been growing it's thumb at humanity's expense for easily the last 30 to 70 years and calling it something else. Shifting the blame around so much that it is now the equivalent of a philosophical three card monte.

Our information filters are simply overloaded.
But not by accident.

Everyone feels that something is not quite right.
Like somehow because the pharmaceutical companies and the banks and their lobbies and their lobbies and their lobbies have literally paid to keep cannabis prohibited.
That because they have been allowed to purchase so much political influence it is moral somehow for the people to suffer.

This system's exorbitantly priced "medicine" often does more long term harm to the body than it does good.

This is what we are supposed to choose when a superior, less expensive and less harmful plant that the people can simply cultivate themselves is widely available.
It reminds me of the beginning of Braveheart when Mel Gibson is a child still and doesn't understand why the things that are happening right in front of his eyes are happening.

It seems obvious that a higher technology society which is actually free and not merely repeatedly told it is free will discover ways to interact with each other that make the current forced choices of collusive practices between the pharmaceutical companies and their government hirelings increasingly less appealing.

Maybe we can all focus on our common ground and work to change the way we do things for everyone's benefit.

It seems like the logical thing to do.


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