zip, zap, boom..... bap

Escalation is in the air.

It's like the orderly rise to the crescendo in a symphony or the tension building in a good short story. It is the way of things here now.
Everyone feels it.

There will be a showdown over cannabis soon too I think. Showdowns all over the place. Lots of showdowns.

I honestly can't understand why people can't see what is clearly evident.
Cannabis is legal in Israel now.
In spite of the accumulated evidence in Israel of 50 years now and the experience and research that is done objectively in our country and the clear public trend of growing acceptance that cannabis is good. Even in the face of blatant anti-cannabis propaganda served up by the bucketful. We must ask ourselves why.

Sleight of hand perhaps.

I grieve for those in pain and those weary souls who; condemned to opiates by the interlocking pharmaceutical, banking and media interests, must still be deemed criminals if they seek the practical relief of cannabis in a non-medical cannabis state. The inter-lockers should be ashamed of themselves.

But I think they are just getting started.


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