merging traffic

What is really happening with the political economy of this country today?

To listen to the media, you would think that the sum total of all intelligent thought affords us only their two endlessly defined choices of worldview. The right says this. The left says that.

I find it somewhat disheartening that so many intelligent people have their thoughts willingly defined and manipulated by others. Sorted into two predetermined camps like just so many sheep.

If you are able to calm yourself, you will see past all this perpetual white noise. You will see we have much more in common than we have in conflict. Just focusing on the simplicity of being human can change things.
Maybe the collective worldview can change if we can agree to start with that. Maybe not.

I actually find my own life is more interesting if I can comfortably spend time with people who completely disagree with me. It doesn't always work out. All I'm saying is a little kindness from all of us would be nice.

But; unfortunately, every year now that passes brings this postulated and divisive reality closer to being the truth for us all.

The prevailing narratives encourage people to identify with GroupThink. Once you are able to accomplish that; manipulating crowds is easy. It doesn't even matter that the crowd is on Facebook now and no longer in physical proximity.

All the narrators have to do is follow the playbook.


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