absent of reason

Understanding how easily we are manipulated into GroupThink camps still seems to be a struggle for many of us. The narrators simply control the language. They appeal to that part of all of us that is just below the surface and wants to partner with something bigger than ourselves; something better. 
And then they use that against us.

With all the supposed millennia of evolution, we should expect logic and reason to be so much more prominent in the composite of who we are in our modern humanity. But we are still primarily creatures of longing and loss; sublimating desires like roller coasters and tugged about by a world full of white noise; disinformation and buzzwords that cynically focus our energy on issues that divide us and make it easier to maintain the status quo.

Our collective meandering to where we are now is surprising though; because, however long we've been here, we haven't really changed that much. People are pretty much the same as they have always been since the beginning. We adapt to the pace of new technology because we must. We deal with the constant information barrage. But the simple, quieter more intimate moments of life don't change. The important things everywhere are still the important things. It is just that nobody seems to think about them anymore.

I suppose all of us are trying to come to terms with the exponential speed of technological change and how it is accelerating and accelerating and accelerating.
We speed everything else up too because it just seems like the thing to do and in that blaze of motion and systematic separation from each other something gets lost. 

Maybe that is all there is at the end of the day.
Maybe there really is nothing but randomness and inertia and media convincing us of the latest thing and moving us further apart.
Maybe the technological overlords are as inevitable as the sun.

I still believe we can change the way of things with more plain speech. 
I also believe there is a very real need to chill out more often and simply reason among ourselves together; to try to work together and actually move forward as one people.
I'd like to think that there is still that common place where we can talk to each other and do that.
We might just surprise ourselves if we try.


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