the truth that you know

Libelous lies on both sides of the spectrum is a strange and disappointing way to arrive at the coming singularity.

We are at the dawn of a totally new era. 
It is so totally new that we literally cannot even imagination it.  
It is simply beyond the realm of our understanding at this point.

Humanity is now technologically capable of transitioning to something else almost entirely and we still argue constantly and emotionally instead of reasoning together. 
It makes me sad.

This whole worldview we more or less share and all our calculated, collective conditioning can be changed. 
It can all be changed simply by agreeing. 
We can choose that.

The Sioux say something like 'We are all relatives'.  

If we were to believe in each other more than we believe in the story line, it would be simple.

Maybe we should try that for a while.


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