balancing ions

Cannabis is alkaline.

Not to sound like the matrix, but the human body is a battery. And most modern humans; in particular westerners, are skewed out of the optimal ph for their bodies because of high caffeine intake. Think about how many products have significant amounts of caffeine. It is in everything.
Higher red meat consumption and more or less constant exposure to electromagnetic pulses of varying intensity don't do your body much good either.

Intelligent people shouldn't be surprised how this works. 

Cannabinoid receptor cells are located strategically throughout the entire human body.
Cannabis CBD basically flips our receptor switches and the body is in a different mode at that point. I won't bore anyone with specifics but the information and documented medical research is out there if you care to compare and consider some fair minded research. CBD products can be manufactured with zero THC content so any aged patient can use it safely and effectively.

Keep in mind most "cannabis negative" medical research is funded by the pharmaceutical companies directly or by their proxy agents in our government that are purchased through lobbying money. 
So the results are determined beforehand. The studies aren't fake exactly. 
They just determine a calculated methodology at the concept stage that will produce a result they can throw in people's faces and ears enough that a target percentage of the population will believe and repeat it.

When you consider how much of our bodies are actually water it makes more sense to consider the importance of good ph balance on every aspect of our bodies health.
Let the people restore balance in their bodies and, perhaps, we can have more balance in this world. It seems fairly straightforward. 
Cannabis to heal the nations.



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