recite everything backwards

If we look long enough I suppose we can find a reason for all of it.

But I find myself wondering most days now how a supposedly free people allowed the state of things to come to this. 

It is the same old story with more white noise.

HBO or Showtime has a Tom Hardy drama about the East India Company and how powerful and all-encompassing they were. The EIC got its wealth selling opium to China and used that money to buy power and influence that has a legacy to this day. 

Today, the CIA and the deep state controls the illicit opium trade by leveraging the cartels and staying in the shadows and global pharmaceutical companies control the FDA sanctioned opium trade. They both lobby constantly for cannabis prohibition through proxy think tanks and research institutes that produce a desired result. The result is then touted in the media. And repetition does the rest.

It seems criminal to me that the generations who fought in Korea and WW2  and Vietnam and the Middle East are still prohibited from dignified pain relief at the end of their years. The legal system that was designed to serve the people is now cynically being used to knowingly harm them. 

Israel has 50 years of meticulously documented evidence that cannabis is medicine that does not just mask pain and addict new customers. It works.

It actually heals. No one can plead ignorance. The stone the builders rejected kind of thing.


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