compounding everything there

Double Dip.
Double Down.
Double Take.
Double or Nothing.
Double Overtime.

Double the everything penny.
The accelerating juggernaut of technological advance will soon be powerful enough that imagination and physical reality will be interchangeable. There will likely be a reality menu of sorts. Determining what is actually "real" will become more of an art form and will no longer be taken for granted.
Everything will be possible.

Still, I prefer the old ways.  
There was an inherent peace in the pace of daily life.
Working with your own hands and the passing of craftsmanship and wisdom to the next generation. Interacting closely with the earth was part of a day's simplicity and beauty. The simplicity of being.
It taught us patience.

Technology's beauty may come later I think.
Perhaps there will be a watershed moment when every possibility works together.


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