washington square park

If you ever played any chess, you appreciate a strong Rook player.
It is a bit of artistry really.
Discerning an open rank or file that can be created by a coordinated combination of moves and then using it; exploiting it.

The majority of people have a ubiquitous Google threaded resource of information but they seem to almost have no idea what is really going on. That they are allowing themselves to merely be pieces on Group Think boards now. And not fully realizing they have been placed in a frighteningly bad array.

I'm not a pessimist. But I am disheartened.

I speak to people daily from all walks of life and I have come to the conclusion that most people really do want the same things. They want to earn a living, care for their family and neighbors and experience a more or less common decency on a daily basis. They want to be able to take advantage of an obviously better choice in the spirit that should reside in a free people.

If a medicine; such as cannabis for example, was non-toxic, non-addictive, widely available and significantly lower cost than the approved alternatives, a free people should be allowed to make that choice without any repercussion. Not have to suffer because the pharmaceutical lobby shotguns the federal legal system.

The people want to be allowed to make choices on the merit of what they are purchasing. This is very straightforward. But the narrators are as accomplished at redirecting our attention and focus as they are at redirecting everything else. They control the center by controlling the two extremes.
It is no one's fault really. It is just a sign of the times.

We must step outside the Group Think 1 and 2 camps in order to see and understand the pathways that are being created.

Maybe if enough of us do a clear picture will emerge.
Maybe we can change the endgame.


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