it might be around here somewhere

Sometimes the truth gets misplaced.

I'm not at all certain if this is the expected result of some coldly calculated models created by the narrators or if it is just the way of things now. 
But it hides in plain sight more. 
The curtain is dissolving in a blitz of 1's and 0's.

Maybe it isn't hidden at all. 
More likely it is just being drowned out by repetition. Staying on message. You know you'll thank me later.

Truth shouldn't be for sale to the most clever bidder. 
Or left solely to those who use the machinations of the state to further their own ends at the public expense. 

It just seems enormously cynical for the narrators to have systematically split the bulk of American opinion into two opposing camps. Purposely opposed. It is what Hegel called the dialectic.

That doesn't come anywhere close to expressing what truth and freedom are really; what they could become if everyone just tried a little more.

It just creates motion and consumes our souls. 
It reminds me of slightly opening the front and back door of any home and creating a draft. 

If we work together to find it, we will.

It might be around here somewhere. 



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