hey I worked for that

The asset seizures are coming. 

Just a few here and there to remind the natives that they no longer have the trump card. This isn't a left versus right rant either. 
I just want to express the evident reality that government has not served the people for a long time regardless of which political front man is in the Oval Office.  

The fact that this country actually has a leader who is named Trump is so utterly strange to me that I tend to find myself agreeing with Elon Musk and doubting the very veracity of our reality. But I digress.

Half of this country has worked diligently and honestly in good faith the last many years to build ethical, state sanctioned commerce that just happens to be cannabis based. 

Now; after being promised precisely the opposite and filling their ballot out accordingly, they are being threatened with the cloud of federal enforcement; asset seizures and the ubiquitous ongoing shakedown. Lots of ongoing shakedowns. 
Because you can't really call it anything else with a straight face. And it is certainly not right. Not even close.

I remember growing up in Oklahoma as a child and hearing my uncle talk about how it was and how it used to be a great country. And remembering too that generation grew up without refrigeration or air conditioning during the hot summers of the Oklahoma plains. But I guess every generation feels that way once they get old enough to see how things really are. 

Free people have to take all the responsibility for themselves and for each other. Otherwise, we get what we have now.

We can all work together to make this world better. We can agree. Then all it will take is a little more focus and kindness on everyone's part and a little more daily effort from all us. Small, thoughtful positive actions accrue over time. Things get better.

Take a few moments  each day and determine to live intentionally and not just go through the motions of life. 

Some enlightened self-interest just might do the trick for us. 


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