
Showing posts from 2017

berlin dabow boogie

ground zero thanks you

that's not my dog

take your mark

thank you thing

blap doozle bamboodle

cannabis is kind

another way there

chasing three cats

yes 4 honor

comes the shadow

checkmate for dinner

nothing but net

jimmy b speaks up

knock knock deutschland

its not me, its you

that smells great

measure of why

kings of easy

a beautiful day

compounding everything there

absent of reason

washington square park

hey I worked for that

recite everything backwards

the truth that you know

balancing ions

we know it is there

please let's have freedom

it might be around here somewhere

we can't serve anyone blindfolded

true freedom takes everything

zip, zap, boom..... bap

where's the fire

we should just call them kings now

it's a bird, it's a's cannabis

merging traffic

Everything is Bips now


Freedom will become an amazing thing again